Grow in God.
Your personal relationship with God is utterly central to who you are and your leadership. Learn how to go deeper in prayer, worship and the Word, and lead from a renewed place in God.
Grow your skills.
While gifting and strengths are God given, skills can be learned and honed. From casting vision to resolving conflict, apprenticing leaders to project management, investing in your skills as a worship pastor will help you lead more effectively.
Be strengthened.
God allows His leaders to go through trial and difficulty as part of our growth in Christ. But we are not meant to walk alone! Share your journey, walk with friends, and be strengthened in God.
Don’t go alone.
The role of a worship team leader has unique pressures; balancing desires of musicians, worship leader’s preferences, leading in the vision and values of the elders, working with volunteers, managing conflict in the team, not to mention all the stuff going on in your own life! This can often feel quite lonely, as not many people fully understand that mix of demands.
But you are not alone.
Worship Pastor Cohorts
Join together Worship Pastors for mentoring, training, community and support.
Better together.
Group Mentoring
Join together with Simon and other worship pastors from a in a small leadership cohort for mentoring and growth.
With a mixture of meeting in-person for teaching and prayer, and online for ongoing connection and community, journey with friends and learn together.
Whether it’s a small church, large church, multisite church or a movement, you’ll be joined with people in a similar context to you for pier-to-pier mentoring and growth.
Primarily aimed at worship team leaders. Whether you are leading a large team over many sites, or a small team in a smaller local church, this is mentoring is aimed at team leaders.
It’s a one year program; with three in-person gatherings (Saturdays) spread over the year, with monthly digital connections on Zoom with your cohort.
We will look at three areas of ministry together; growing in God, growing your leadership skills, growing in community and shared learning from those on a similar journey.